"Chipping in" is usually used to reference a person or group of people helping out a cause, this is exactly what companies such as Applied Digital Solutions plan to do.
But you know, by implanting an actual tracking chip in people.
The company's chip would ideally help all those suffering from medical conditions to cautious parents. The chip would be about the size of a grain of rice and would be located under a layer of skin in the person's hand. All personal information would be stored within the chip to make it more accessible in case of an emergency. Through the chip, hospitals would have access to the patient's allergies, insurance information, and overall medical history by the wave of a hand. By ridding patients of the common hospitalization nuisances, they would be able to solely focus on getting better.
Now, parents would also benefit from this type of technology. By chipping their children they would be able to track them faster and efficiently if they were to go missing. The locating device would aid family members of Alzheimer patients to bring them home safely.
Undoubtedly, technology continues to improve to make everyday life easier, however, it doesn't come without its downsides.
What if the government decided to do away with plastic identification cards and required chip implants instead? What would happen if a child were to be tracked by someone other than their parent? Or if all of our medical/ location information were to be hacked?
Although the chip might seem like the answer to all of our security problems, no one can prevent others from abusing this technology to their advantage. So the question at hand is, would you be willing to "chip in?"
How do you feel about "chipping in?" Take the survey here.
And for ABC News' article on Veri-chip technology click on this link.