In the past we tended to differentiate boys from girls in the way they dress, the length of their hair, the tone of their voice, and even by muscularity. However, gender classification has gone far beyond the appearance of an individual. Rather than stating if a person is straight or gay as if it were as simple as contrasting colors black and white, more options are being added to properly classify individuals.
Often times when we meet a non-heterosexual person, we assume that they will more likely take on the role of the opposite gender simply because they are not 'straight.' However, these ideas have rapidly changed. Now, individuals can classify themselves as Straight, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Tran-sexual, Queer, or other. The idea that sexuality is based on a spectrum and that there are levels to it has been ever-growing.
According to the University of California they will soon be allowing students to check more than one box in their admission applications when classifying their sex, gender, and sexual orientation.
Options for gender would be as follows; Trans male/ Trans female, Gender queer/ Gender nonconforming, and Different identity.
Options for sexual orientation would include; Heterosexual or Straight, Gay or Lesbian, Bisexual, and Not listed above.
Allowing individuals to have more options while filing paperwork relieves the minor anxiety they might feel by only being able to check one box. (Similar to what a mixed race individual feels when checking more than one box for 'race.') This option would also give the person requiring the information access to preferred pronouns when addressing the individual.
UC has taken the first step toward greater inclusion for the LGBTQ community and undoubtedly in the next few years, many more public facilities will follow in their footsteps.
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